Why Leaders Shouldn’t Take People Leaving Quickly Personally
Article Brian Welsh Article Brian Welsh

Why Leaders Shouldn’t Take People Leaving Quickly Personally

People leave their jobs for all kinds of different reasons.

They thought the role was right for them, but it wasn’t.

They thought they were going to spend most of their time working on the parts of the role they enjoyed, but quickly realised that the less enjoyable ‘administrative’ parts of the role were what the job is really about.

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The Life Cycle of a Salesperson
Article Brian Welsh Article Brian Welsh

The Life Cycle of a Salesperson

Way back in 1974, a guy called Marvin A. Jolson wrote an article called ‘The Salesman’s Career Cycle’ for a US publication called The Journal of Marketing. It starts like this, “The Product Life Cycle (PLC) has been found to be a fundamental key to successful and profitable product management, from the introduction of new products to the phasing out of obsolescent ones. An analogous continuum that ranges from the recruitment of a new salesman to his termination suggests that appropriateness of the salesman’s career cycle (SCC) as a general model for assisting sales executives.”

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