Poor Planning on Your Part is Not My Emergency
Article Brian Welsh Article Brian Welsh

Poor Planning on Your Part is Not My Emergency

As a leader, I know it’s tempting to go for option one or two because when someone you’re working with has screwed up so badly – especially if it’s somebody on your own team – you’ll want to make certain that the solution is handled thoroughly, delivered correctly, and disruption to the project and the other members of your team are kept to a minimum. Arguably, that’s what a responsible leader would do.

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The Art of the ‘Reverse Plan’
Article Brian Welsh Article Brian Welsh

The Art of the ‘Reverse Plan’

I just did a Google search of what being a successful leader means.

The results that came back described all the essential leadership qualities I’ve already talked about in previous articles, so if you’re a regular reader none of them will come as a surprise.

“A leader sets and achieves challenging goals.”

“A leader takes fast and decisive action.”

“A leader develops their team’s skills so they can reach their full potential.”

“A leader communicates their vision and inspires their people to do the work needed to achieve this better future.”

But, surprisingly, what none of the results has come back with so far is this:

Successful leaders know that a plan without a goal is just a dream.

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