Leadership Skills: Here’s Why Effective Leaders Don't Live In Comfort Zones
Article Brian Welsh Article Brian Welsh

Leadership Skills: Here’s Why Effective Leaders Don't Live In Comfort Zones

Up until now, I’ve tried to be very careful about how I write these blogs because I don’t want to put a shelf life on them. After all, the subjects I’m writing about – the principles of leadership, the importance of identifying your employees’ strengths, etc. – are timeless and universal. The topic I’m going to talk about today, why it's essential for leaders to step out of their comfort zone, is timeless too. However, I'd be avoiding the elephant in the room if I didn't at least give the nod to what's going on in the world right now because the conflict in Ukraine has pushed a lot of leaders out of their comfort zones in ways they could never have imagined at the start of this year.

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